
A set of functions for coordinate transformations and projections.

2D coordinate transformations

Scale coordinate p by factor s

vec2 scale(vec2 p, float s);
vec2 scale(vec2 p, vec2 s);

Shear coordinate p by vector k

vec2 shear(vec2 p, vec2 k);

Rotate coordinate p by angle a

vec2 rotate(vec2 p, float a);

Translate coordinate p by vector t

vec2 translate(vec2 p, vec2 t);

3D coordinate transformations

Scale coordinate p by factor s

vec3 scale(vec3 p, float s);
vec3 scale(vec3 p, vec3 s);

Rotate coordinate p by angle a around the X, Y, or Z axis.

vec3 rotateX(vec3 p, float a);
vec3 rotateY(vec3 p, float a);
vec3 rotateZ(vec3 p, float a);

Rotate coordinate p by angle a around the axis specified by vector axis.

vec3 rotate(vec3 p, vec3 axis, float a);

Translate coordinate p by vector t

vec2 translate(vec2 p, vec2 t);


Returns the point in affine coordinate system (vec4). The "camera" lies at (0, 0, 0) looking towards −Z. The near and far arguments specify the minimum and maximum draw distance on the Z axis and must be greater than 0.

Project a 2D coordinate p orthographically onto a frame of size frame

vec4 projectOrthographic(vec2 p, vec2 frame)

Project a 3D coordinate p orthographically onto a frame of size frame

vec4 projectOrthographic(vec3 p, vec2 frame, float near, float far);

Project a 3D coordinate p perspectively onto a frame of size frame at Z = −near

vec4 projectPerspective(vec3 p, vec2 frame, float near, float far);

Project a 3D coordinate p perspectively with a fixed horizontal (hFOV) or vertical (vFOV) field of view angle between 0 and PI. If aspect (width/height) is omitted, the aspect ratio of the viewport is used (shadron_Aspect).

vec4 projectPerspectiveHFOV(vec3 p, float aspect, float hFOV, float near, float far);
vec4 projectPerspectiveVFOV(vec3 p, float aspect, float vFOV, float near, float far);
vec4 projectPerspectiveHFOV(vec3 p, float hFOV, float near, float far);
vec4 projectPerspectiveVFOV(vec3 p, float vFOV, float near, float far);


vec4 vertexShader(int index) {
    vec3 coord = computeCoord(index);
    coord = rotateY(coord, rotation.x);
    coord = rotateX(coord, rotation.y);
    coord = translate(coord, vec3(0.0, 0.0, -distance));
    return projectPerspectiveHFOV(coord, fieldOfView, 1.0/256.0, 256.0);