
Defines the geometry of a height map. FN specifies the function that computes the height (Z) for a given X, Y. COLS and ROWS specify the number of columns and rows of the height map. Use HEIGHTMAP_PRIMITIVES vertex configuration with HEIGHTMAP_VERTEX_COUNT(COLS, ROWS) vertices.

Get the coordinate of vertex i

template <FN, COLS, ROWS>
vec3 heightmapCoord(int i);

Get the normal vector of vertex i

template <FN, COLS, ROWS>
vec3 heightmapNormal(int i);

Get the texture coordinate of vertex i

template <FN, COLS, ROWS>
vec2 heightmapTexCoord(int i);

The heightmapVertex<FN, COLS, ROWS> function can be used directly as the vertex shader if no coordinate transformation is needed.


float heightFunction(vec2 position) {
    return texture(HeightMapImage, position).r;

vec4 vertexShader(out vec3 normal, int index) {
    vec3 coord = heightmapCoord<heightFunction, 256, 256>(index);
    normal = heightmapNormal<heightFunction, 256, 256>(index);
    coord = transformCoord(coord);
    normal = transformNormal(normal);
    return projectCoord(coord);

vec4 fragmentShader(in vec3 normal) {
    return computeLighting(normal);

model HeightMapModel :
    vertex(vertexShader, HEIGHTMAP_PRIMITIVES, HEIGHTMAP_VERTEX_COUNT(256, 256)),